Friday, March 20, 2009



With the last day of Winter Quarter classes held on March 12 2009 and our Exam held this past Wednesday evening March 18 2009 ...Exam for Drama students?, ..."But Sage .we get up in front of hundreds of people and perform we don't take written exams?...." Alright... Who said that?!........We have finally (sadly) folded up our tents for the Winter and are on our way in all different directions until the Spring Quarter. All in all in was a very productive Quarter.
Many of the students successfully auditioned for Graduate School. I say "Successful" regardless of the out come. Because any opportunity to audition is a privilege & "auditioning" is and will continue to be part of your job description as an actor. To show what you can do , what you have learned, and " who you are " to some of the very best is a rare opportunity not to be missed, no matter what the outcome. Congratulations to those Seniors who have their graduate school appointments for the Fall. For those of you who don't Know yet or feel disappointed ...have faith. What now may look like an "empty hand" just looks that way because you are holding it out ,open and ready to receive something yet unknown to you. You will have opportunities you have yet to dream of.
This may seem like a break but Websites are still "under construction" , There are shows in the Spring and lines to be learned, The BFA Showcase is coming up and oh yes...The dreaded academic requirements still need to be filled...
(one more time just for the road.............
"Talent only works , if talent works hard
Discipline & Self Motivation above all
I'll miss you in Class on a regular basis Seniors, I really will .
Enjoy your Spring Break!