Monday, March 15, 2010

"It" Chooses You!

Have you forgotten in these winter months exactly what you are living for?!
With Spring comes renewal...Forget "New Years Resolutions".....THIS is the moment.
Clean out the cobwebs: Homes, Bodies AND Minds, Get organized ,Make Lists, hit the Farmer's Markets for healthier fair. For our, East Coast Snow weary Artists ,send those winter Coats to the cleaners and wipe the salt off those city boots......Take Heart that "Luck" is just the meeting of Opportunity and Preparation. Both Choices you can make. Remember not to miss the the sun peeking through , How do those rays feel on your face? Have you looked for the tiniest new buds squinting at the same rays? Awaken those powers of observation that often serve you as a "muse". That new greenery is dying to "get out there" as much as you are. Like the "buds" you have no choice..If this is the path you MUST follow than you have already been chosen. Now get out there, celebrate your gifts, show up and make your own luck.

That which haunts us will always find a way out. The wound will not heal unless given witness. The shadow that follows us is the way in.


Friday, January 15, 2010


As most of you know, for the past 7 years or so I have been focused on teaching for the BFA program at UCSB. When I started this BLOG it really wasn't used as a "blog" at all but as an easier way for my students to get the information about upcoming classes , guest speakers, & assignments as well as allow their parents, incoming guests, & even other faculty members to gage a better understanding of what the class was really about. I also felt an important aspect was to begin to promote these talented students in preparation for their work life. To inspire them to have their "tools" together, while promoting the university and the BFA. I started out with a vision that eventually all the faculty would be "connected" if not with their own Blogs than with simple postings about their classes and upcoming projects etc. My enthusiasm was soon dampened when the reality of major budget cuts looming forced me to except that my class was not going to make the cut...... and the rest as they say......
It has been almost a year and in that time I have continued, much to my delight, to counsel, connect and advise young actors and artists all in various stages of their professional pursuits as well as those still in Graduate programs across the country.
As a result it has come to my attention that this BLOG ,can now serve a broader purpose.
The questions I get from young actors , musicians , theater and film professionals and even Graduate students are more universal that you might think . To that end I am launching this Blog anew in this year of 2010. I will change some of the look of it over the next weeks keeping old posts for reference and adding new more "Universal" less "University" focused information. Also there were many informative classes that were filmed with great guests that I was unable to post before I was let go. I intend to add those this year ,as much of the information they provided is still pertinent. I also hope to follow my former students ( with their permission of course!) In an effort to not only support and promote their pursuits but to also have them honestly weigh in on what has worked for them and what has not as they embark on this most personal of all professions.
The Life of an Artist ....What does that look like?
My hope is that led by your "Bliss".... you find yourselves on a deep level " Living your Best Life"